LOTUS HEART – Taking A Heart Centering Moment Do 3 BRINGING DOWN THE HEAVENS - taking a deep breath as arms go out to the side and then over the head. Exhale bringing the arms down at crown and down center with palms sending energy over all the Chakras - giving them all the heaven's energy – visualizing them spinning – while smiling joyful energy at each one. Begin LOTUS HEART by starting out with BRINGING DOWN THE HEAVENS – but when hands are above the head make a TRIANGLE with both hands and bring it: 1) down all the Chakras as you send healing energy to each one 2) back up to the Heart 3) opening hands into a Lotus at the heart - arms out to sides, beginning again. Do 3, 6, or 9 LOTUS HEARTS. Then do the Lotus Heart Holds: “Lotus Hands” at the heart for receiving love & “Triangle Hands” at the heart - for giving love (see a rainbow of colors going out to the world through the triangle.) Focus on harmonizing your life with both. Interdependent relationships heal many things in our lives. This means not giving when it hurts us to do so... or doing something for someone - when that person needs to do it for themselves. And yet being there when they really need to know they are not alone - with a knowing that they CAN do it for themselves while being there to help, if needed, as it is comfortable to do so. By re-negotiating agreements so they are best for all concerned - this is how we find the path to peace. A way to honor the valid needs of all involved – being present in relationships by offering & teaching interdepent support - honoring (or negotiating new) agreements so trust grows with ease - doing what you can, in healthy ways. Do 3 more BRINGING DOWN THE HEAVENS to bless the energy that awakens our hearts to compassion and gaining the skills of interdependent support - and seal the energy with the intention - of loving with a Lotus Heart. |